Welcome from the Head

It is with pleasure that I welcome you to St Paul’s Catholic Primary School. Here you will find information about our unique and special school. However, I also encourage you to come and visit our exciting and happy learning environment. You will see that the best ambassadors for St Paul’s are the pupils and staff themselves. 

"Pupils at this school exemplify the school’s ‘RESPECT’ values, which include resilience, empathy and positivity. These values, along with the school’s strong Christian ethos, underpin all that happens here. Staff and pupils embody the school’s vision of ‘growing in God’s love to be the best we can be’. Pupils are proud to be part of the school family." R Beadnall, HMI March 2024

Here at St Paul’s we pride ourselves on providing the very best education for all of our children. The children enjoy an ambitious broad, balanced and connected curriculum, through creative and engaging lessons which staff deliver with fidelity.

St Paul’s is very much an inclusive school, where each child is nurtured and challenged to achieve their full potential. Ofsted praised staff for effective support and adaptations for pupils with SEND allowing them to access the same ambitious curriculum as their peers.

We provide children with ambitious, creative and adventurous opportunities to develop curiosity and a love of learning from the age of two years old.. This offers all children every opportunity to develop the knowledge skills and understanding needed to be 'school ready' by the time statutory education begins. 

We are very proud of our curriculum offer, which links learning to the local area wherever possible, and extends beyond the classroom. Experiences before and after the school day provide a wide range of activities available to the pupils. 

The school has an exceptional offer for pupils’ personal development. The school goes beyond the expected, providing pupils with a wide and rich series of experiences. Ofsted 2024

At St Paul's, Jesus is at the heart of all we do. We inspire the children to follow in his footsteps as they pray, work and play together and live out our school mission: 

“To grow in God's Love to be the best we can be”.

Our school mission is steeped in gospel values which shape all we do. Through our RESPECT values staff, governors, parents and pupils work together with the support of the Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust, Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle, the Parish of St Paul’s and the community of Alnwick to ensure that children are fostered to love learning and are nurtured in a safe, stimulating and inclusive learning environment.

We look forward to welcoming you to our school.


Get in touch

To make an appointment to visit, or to simply ask us a question, please email [email protected] or ring 01665 602547 and one of our admin staff will be happy to help.


Mrs E. Lomax